When people say where do you see yourself in 20 years ? Do you know the answer ? Have you thought about it ?
I know my answer and i think about it often. In 20 years my daughter will be 24 and my son will be 21. That’s makes me 50 !
When asked or in thinking I have always said the same thing… I want to be living in a tiny tiny older people beach town and work at a Waffle House or Gas Station. I’ve always answered in a joking matter but in the back of my mind I ment it. I know I know your thinking when you 50 you want to work at at restaurant or a gas station are you insane. Maybe !!
But when I’m that age I want my biggest problems to be is one of my plants dying? And planning weddings. And yes i still want to work and bring a smile to people’s faces daily i need that kind of routine and interaction in my life.
But i want nothing more. No stressful job where you can never be good enough or the possibility of letting someone down. The day to day meeting the deadlines and going home at night thinking… oh my ! did I send that e-mail before I left.
I want a safe amazing neat place for my kids to come and feel Un – connected. & Actually show them money is not happiness you can create a magical life being just happy not rich. Yes I know you have to have money to pay bills but what I mean is if you have enough to pay bills and eat and can still laugh and play at the end of the day that’s happiness.
From the time I was 16-19 years old I had more money than I will ever see again. I was a spoiled daddy’s girl still am just with love now not money. I honestly thought the brand new Mercedes I was driving each year made me who I was. I know bless my heart it was a mess. It attracted all the wrong people and made me feel untouchable. Bad combination when your definitely not living right. All the money I had then never made me happy.
So true story money does not and will never buy happiness. Money can buy fun not happiness don’t get them confused.
With that being said now and then I feel my gypsy soul kicking in and I drift off to a sand weathered tiny house with an amazing place to keep my weird and funky plants and the perfect spot to indulge in a new book. And ridding a bike to work and getting caught in the rain.
At heart I’m a gypsy… But taking a break to raise two beautiful kids the best way I feel is right & crossing my fingers that one day we will be searing for sea glass together.
So please tell me where do you see yourself in 20 years ???
♡ ● ♡ ● ♡
Lets see… in 20 years I will be 51. I have an almost 10 year old now, so I have a feeling I will be, or getting close to, becoming a grandparent. *gasp*
So in 20 years I guess I just hope I’m happy. I don’t see a place, but I do want to be happy wherever I am. 🙂 I guess that’s not a real answer… whoops…
Popping in up from The Friday Blog Hop, happy to of stumbled here. 🙂
In 20 years my daughter will be 22 and I hope we both will be happy. I like how you’ve come to realize that being spoiled with love is better than with money 🙂 Thank you for stopping by the Sweet Saturday linkup 🙂
i love this post!
in 20 years I will be 64…my mom is 64 now. I want to be as pretty as my mom is now. I hope that my boys are out of college and have started their lives. I want to be living on a beach and painting 🙂 My boys are little…I am an old mom but 20 years ago having children wasn’t happening in my world. No regrets…just enjoying every season of life 🙂
love it life is to short make the most of it
come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
I want to search for sea glass too.
Great question for a midlife mother!! In 20 years, I’m hoping to see me & the hubby retired at the beach close enough to our children to see our future grandkids. Thanks for sharing.
Hmmm, in 20 years I will be 42, so hopefully I will have at least one kid and some debt paid off, and I hope my blogging/DIY career will kick off! 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Talented Tuesday Link PArty!
I’m right there with you. Life is too short to stress over working at what you don;t love. I’ve always said I will end where I started. In retail as a part time associate or a waitress.
Popping over from Totally Terrific Tuesday =) Wow, this is a post I have to pin and bookmark. I may have a gypsy soul and just never knew it. I’m always looking for new and exciting. I just want to be happy and make others happy. Who knows where I will be in 20 years…? But I will be happy and with my favorite man =) Be sure to share your crafts & DIYs at Two Uses Tuesday over at Sarah Celebrates if you don’t already!
You’ve given me something to think about. I’ll be fifty next year. We have no financial security. My only security is in Jesus.
Maybe I’m a gypsy too!! Loved the story! Hey I would love for you to share your stuff on my new link party that started today! Its called My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday! Here is the link http://www.cookinandcraftin.com/my-2-favorite-things-link-party-1/
20 years from now I’ll be “retired” from my job of stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of two girls. I really don’t know what I see for myself. I can say what I hope for… travel, no debt, friends, concerts, and hanging on the arm of the love of my life– but will it happen?!
Your description of being a gypsy soul reminded me of the movie Chocolat– have you seen it? It’s so good.
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop)!
Wishing you a lovely evening.
Hmmm… Not sure what I’ll be doing in 20 years, but I’m sure that my journey there will filled with mindfulness. Thank you for sharing this post. Definitely got me thinking! 🙂 #HomeMattersParty
Hopefully retired! I’ll be in my early 60’s. OMG that’s crazy to even think of that. I know 60 isn’t old but to think I will be that age is hard to imagine! Thanks for linking up this week to Scraptastic Saturdays.
I just love this post. I hopefully see a tiny beach town in the very near future for me. My husband and I are visiting some beaches over the next 3-4 years to decide which one is “the” one. I love your plan for a simpler life. I would love if you would stop by and link this up at my blog party, “Celebrate It!” We are all about celebrating the everyday wonderful!
I have to tell you, I almost spewed my coffee everywhere when I read the tagline for your blog…so funny! I LOVE IT!!! Ah, a gypsy soul… Living behind the “Orange Curtain” (a very affluent county in Southern California), I also know first hand that money does not buy happiness. In fact, after being left with only $12 to care for me and my minor (at the time) handicapped daughter, we learned that lesson very quickly. Money may not be aplenty, but the happiness certainly is. In 20 years I would love to be in a similar place as you described, whether it be right here or elsewhere, I want peace, happiness, and relaxation. thank you for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty 🙂
Life With Lorelai
Hahhaha my tagline is the truth!!!! I’ve learned to accept all the crazy. Loved your comment on this it made my day thanks so much !!! ♡♡♡
Oh my! What a fun post. Pinned and tweeted. Thank you so much for being a part of our party. We really appreciate you! I hope to see you on Monday at 7 pm. Happy Saturday! Lou Lou Girls
In 20 years, I’ll be in my mid-fifties. I’m not sure where I see myself, as I’ve never been much of a long-term dreamer. Then again, having only barely begun to settle into my new career as a stay-at-home-mom I’m not entirely sure what’s down my road yet. It’s such a less predictable career than I had before where going to work every day, coming home, deciding when or if I wanted to advance and where I wanted to work, were things that I’d ‘dream’ about. Now, enjoying each day (or just trying to make it through at times) is where I’m at.
Hopefully in 20 years, I’ll still be happy, fulfilled, my needs will be met, some of my wants will be had, and I’ll be able to spend good quality time with my child(ren). 🙂
Stopping over from Mommy Moments!
I love it! So much truth! Hopefully, in 20 years I’ll be living in a home my partner and I build out in the middle of nowhere, growing and raising enough food to sustain ourselves and living a slow-paced, simple lifestyle filled with love and laughter. I am so with you, at the end of the day, money is nothing!
Thank you for sharing with us at #MommyMeetupMondays!
This is a great question. 20 years from now, I will have a 28 year old, 22 year old and a 21 year old. YIKES. I will be 48. How I live now, I would imagine I would be the same. I just want to be happy. I know plenty of people say that, but I just want to be truly and genuinely happy. Thanks for linking this up last week to Totally Terrific Tuesdays! I just signed on as co-host and I’m excited to see what else you will share! Hope to see you next week!
I also use to think it was all about money, but then I had kids and I was taught the true meaning of life.
Thank you for linking up at #InspireMeMondays ! I pinned your post to the Inspire Me Mondays group board at http://www.pinterest.com/morselsoflife/inspire-me-monday/
You’re so right! I’m pinning this! Thanks so much for Linking Up at Craft Therapy Thursday at P.S. I Love You Scrapbooking. The new link party started today. I hope you will come join us!
Oooooo, I want to be done with the rat race, be able to blog and live in a Camper and go from State Park to State Park. You can work as a retiree in the gift shops and stay on the grounds of the State Parks, yes I have researched it. Yellowstone would be a dream come true. With the hubby of course and we would visit the kids 🙂
Loveeee this maybe i can live in a camper next door ♡♡♡
Oh to travel and be carefree!! My son will be of university age so it’ll be interesting to see where I really am in 20 years time. Thanks for linking up at Mum-bo Monday!
I’d love to have a pretty little home in the woods where I can retire, write and paint while soaking up the sunshine during the day. Also having time to photograph nature.
Hummm something to think about thanks for share
Such a sweet post. Will be thinking about this.
Thx !!! When i get all stressed i come back and read this post ♡♡♡ so glad you took a min to stop by thx so much
I think we all have a little bit of gypsy in us. Thank you for joining us on OMHGWW!
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Carol (Running Granny Green)
Where I see myself in 20 years. I have no idea. By 40 I still haven’t decided what I want to do with my life and I seem to drift from one thing that makes me happy to the next. I’ve been a photographer, a hotel manager and now a blogger. Oh, and a mom of five kids. So who know where I’ll be in 20 years, but it’s nice to daydream. #MarvelousMonday
Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty – we hope to see you again next week. 🙂
Life With Lorelai
I’m loving this! You always bring such amazing things to our party. Pinned and tweeted. I hope to see you tonight at 7. I can’t wait! Lou Lou Girls
20 years? Hmmm. Hope I am doing something that I love with someone that I love. Thought provoking.
I will be 50 in 20 years as well. I really have no idea where I will be or what I will be doing though. I have not thought about it until right now. Definitely something for me to think about. #HomeMattersParty
This is such good advice. Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above’s Link Party.
Have a great week.
My dear, sweet, Laci, your soul is so precious. 🙂 In 20 years, I want to be visiting that beach….and sitting in your Waffle House, or getting gas at your gas station. Will you be patient with me? I will be 78 by that time. 🙂 I have a feeling you will be good to everyone you meet. ♥
It is 20 years later. I would encourage all gypsy soles to live true to it and not “take a break” from it. Your children will benefit and learn much more during their developmental stages. Let them make a chioce to live the traditional lifestyle with the gypsy foundation.
Thanks for this GREAT SIGN. Another amazing idea. The party sure is not the same without you. Thanks for being there. Hugs, Rose
Awww thanks so much !!
Money truly can’t buy happiness, that is for sure! You have shared some wonderful advice in this post. I hope all your plans and dreams come true. Thank you for sharing this postt with us at the Hearth and Soul hop link party. PS – In 20 years I hope I am travelling the world with my husband and getting into all sorts of mischief – I will be a bit older than 50 though 😉