Woah !! It’s already December what ?! I mean at this point my goals should be bring the elf back and making sure the Christmas tree is up before Christmas day right ?
December is always hectic for me so this month I have set some easy pretty attainable goals… Do y’all have monthly goals ? If so what are they ?
#1. Stop taking all the little things for granted. Chessy & typical right ? No I’m serious my kids are healthy, my husband does way more than his fair share he is the glue, I’m very close to my mom, dad & sisters !! Those 3 things right there are RARE and I do take it lightly some days that I’m that lucky.
#2. When I’m @ work produce amazing work and stay focused and be happy to be there.
#3. Write a letter to my mom and dad just telling them how amzing they are !!
#4. Watch tons of Christmas movies & eat so many cookies that I get sick.
#5. Last month one of my goals was to have no wine or any alcohol. I did it yay !!! I honestly thought it would be way harder ! That brings me to…..
#6. No wine or alcohol in December at all !!! My coffee intake may quadruple but that’s okay !! Here’s to hangover free mornings !!!
#7. And I saved the worst for last I really really must organize and clean all the closets out and rid myself of the 900 million pieces of clothing me and my kids have !!
No goals in December that’s okay ! After all it’s the hoildays !! Best time of the year for us and definitely my little humans.
Mine seem fairly easy and attainable I’m excited about the possibility… And will definitely update you on how I did when January rolls around.
Thanks so much for coming by and following me on this journey it means way more than you probably realize.
I love these goals a love. I think non-blog related goals are sometime the best. Best of luck to you!
Yes and especially in December I was afraid I would drop the ball with blog related golas 🙂
I love all of your December goals 🙂 Especially writing a letter to your mom and dad.
My goals for December are to blog more consistently, make a few changes to my blog, spend time at least 1 hour each day on improving my blogging/ social media skills, spend at least 30 minutes of distraction free time with each of my kids every day, workout 6 days a week, and enjoy the holiday season.
Yay !!!! Good luck live your goals to !! We got this
Laci, December is busy time of the month for us all . Looks like you have set your priorities and your goals are falling into place. Congratulations on not drinking alcohol this was hard but you did it. Are you looking forward to 2016?
Great goals. I wrote a post last December about my goals. I should revisit it and see what I did (didn’t) accomplish!
That’s what I do to I like to be able to look back I bet you did better than you think 🙂
I love your goals. We take a lot for granted, but sitting back and reflecting on the positives we have going on is truly humbling.
I’ve got to work on cleaning out those closets, too–it’s ridiculous how much stuff we have crammed in them!
Great goals list. I having a little trouble sticking to my lists due to the holidays but you just gave me more motivation to keep going 🙂
Great goals!
I am sure you will do just wonderful with them.
xoxo, Jenny
I think you should write your parents rather than make yourself a note to, no time like the present and you should close the closet door.
Very good idea indeed thanks !!! Will do right now !
I loves your list! You had me intrigued at your gratefulness! Its so humbling to really pin point how greeting really are even if some bad things are nothing at all has happened. Your list was very refreshing! I hope you exceed your December expectations out of the blue! 😀
Awww !!! Thanks so much !!! That’s so sweet to say and especially taking the time you rock !!! Thanks again.
This is a great list. I also need to organize my closets.
I gave up drinking a long time ago. I would rather eat my calories. Good luck meeting all your goals 🙂
Yay !!! And good thinking me to !
My goals in until right after Christmas are always to be present. Say yes to my kids and be cheerful – aka do not stress! But, the week after Christmas, right before the New Year, I love to revisit my year, evaluate on what worked and then plan for what I want to do in the next year.
I’m looking forward to watching a lot of movies this Christmas and making the most of the time off from work 🙂 Great goals!
I really like that you choose such a wide range of goals to accomplish. I think it is important to incorporate all aspects of our lives into our goal planning.
These are wonderful goals! I love that you want to write a letter to your parents, that’s sweet. I need to organize over vacation, I know not much of a vacation, right, but it needs to be done.
Cheers to getting stuff done!
I’m with you on the closets. I seem to be in a ‘nesting’ phase. Might be the cooler weather, or just the sheer amount of “stuff” around the house that’s annoying me, but I’m trashing and donating a ton of stuff lately!
Awe I love that you are writing a letter to your mom and dad! How sweet! I am with you on the Christmas cookies! I plan to eat lots!
As a stay at home mom I have the same goal every day… survival! 😉 I once gave out Christmas letters because I didn’t hav money for gifts. Those mean more than material goods!
great list of goals – I think I need to adopt your watch tons of Christmas movies one & eat lots of cookies too. Hey that’s what holiday time is for right – fun & relaxing, doing what we want! 😉
Yes and it such an easy goal !!! Yay
I can get behind the eat lots of cookies goals. That sounds like my idea of a great December.
Hahahah it so is mine see how I got perfect goals in there as well.
It’s so important to get goals, even with the holidays. Like you, I’m setting a goal to stay focused while working and making sure the quality of the work is good. Therefore, when I take time off at the end of the day, I’m not cleaning up loose ends, especially during the holidays.
It’s a hard one for our work to be the very best especially at the hoildays but I think we got this good luck !!!
I agree we do need to stop taking the little things for granted. When you lose them you realize how much of an impact they made on your life.
Exactly and I want to be not so regretful later 🙂 thx so much for coming by.
It seems like every month there’s a different reason to re-prioritize, but having goals in mind definitely helps save time. Thanks for sharing and good luck with your goals!
Thx so much !!! And yes I’m the queen of re-prioritize 🙂
I love your goals, especially number 1!! I should really be doing the ‘no alcohol in December’ one with you, but I think I will leave that one until January 🙂
Thx !!! I honestly can’t believe my alcohol kne is going as good 🙂
I love all your goals. I need to be better about making a list and trying to keep up with it. I worry I would fall short and that would drive me crazy. I love the writing a letter to your parents. I think I’m going to steal that and write one to my parents for Christmas. Your never too old to tell them how much you love them.
Exactly and my parents have everything !!
Good luck on your Goals. You’re 1/2 way there. Keep up the good work.
Cookies and Christmas movies are on my December list as well! December favorites every year
Thanks for sharing your goals, Laci, you’re a true role model 🙂 I just wanted to ask if you have ever used any goal setting tool? I truly recommend http://www.addgoals.com, but I bet there are many more 🙂