I’ve been married for 5 years and no that’s not long but hey some days it feels like 5 days and then sometimes it can feel like 50 years. Normally on valentine’s day we will go out to eat or I at least get some roses delivered to my 9 to 5 flowers don’t last forever I get but I do keep mine forever after I dry them out so at least it’s not like looking @ $100 bucks in the trash can.
We have two kids and I always do something special for them I’m “that” Pinterest mom so they get cute filled baskets and banners and balloons delivered to school I go all out but I love it so why not right?
But this year the husband will be a excited I have a special treat for him! and it’s so fitting because EVERY night I steal a pair of his boxers to put on with my tee-shirt so it’s like okay okay… I’ll stop stealing the boxers and you can keep these amazing soft one’s just for you (maybe)! Mr & Muse is truly not your “normal” boxer you can tell from the minute you open the box but after you feel them you really know they are way ahead of the rest! The look and feel with for sure give my husband a pep of confidence and I feel a little more in charge knowing they came from me packaged amazingly with a unique personalized note.
I picked the perfect pair, the perfect note and the perfect time to put a smile on his face this is so fun and I will continue this at least once a month not just on Valentine’s day!!
Why? Mr & Muse:
- Bamboo-cotton blend that’s as soft as silk (literally).
- One of the most eco-friendly underwear lines on the market.
- All made in the USA.
- Different colors and prints.
- They look AMAZING on.
- It’s a fun and unique way to say I love you!
Tell me what do you do for your husband/boyfriend for Valentine’s day? I need all the ideas I can get and if you are clueless like I was steal this idea!!!
CLICK HERE and enter M– USE20 for 20% off to get you started!
Let me know what you think and have fun with this!!!
Thanks so much for coming by!
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