You mean I can’t go home and relax at 5:00 ? Why ? I have two tiny humans daughter (5) and son (2). And everyday when I take them to their destination and head back to my office jail I feel bad.
Okay so I’m being dramatic about office jail. I really don’t hate it and actually don’t mind working all day and getting everything done. But I really do feel bad for being that “9 to 5” mom in the land of stay at home moms, teachers and mom’s that work out of the home.
My kids are amazing and are actually very well behaved to my standards. But I get stuck in this rut where when they horseplay constantly when I get home its drives me insane and I’m stuck telling them stop ! No ! And etc until bed time.
I can’t help but think if I didn’t do EXCEL all day long and answer to everyone else that I would have way more mental span for them to play yell run and scream.
Will I find out ? No not anytime soon me and my husband both have to work full-time right now. So right now I’m stuck being the stretched thin mom.
But what I keep telling myself is:
I’m glad my kids see us working to provide.
I still read to them nightly.
I continually buy fun easy things for us to-do that I can engage in when my brain is so tired.
Bath time is fun time also.
Maybe I’m stuck in blogger land and see tons of stay at home mom’s and mom’s that home-school and that’s amazing but you know why else is?
I’m still a kick ass mom even after my very draining 9 to 5 and I’m proud of our little family.
Some days I feel defeated like I failed my tiny humans and then some days I feel like the best mom ever. And that’s life and in my life nothing will ever be perfect but will be perfect for us.
So to all the working mom’s cheers to us grab a wine glass and let them watch cartoons to occupy them a few times !! They will live. And we can breath.
While we are ridding the crazy train its also important to take time for us to… I know seems impossible right. But right now the things that keep me from falling off the ride are:
Good Books.
Easy quick crafts.
Connecting with other bloggers.
1 not 10 TV Series.
All those things help me stay happier and can be put the side easily if needed.
Hope y’all enjoyed my post !!! To all my mama’s how do y’all feel some days ? Especially Monday thru Friday ?
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my madness it means more than you know. !!!
I hear you girl. I work 9 – 4 every day, and on top of that I have to drop B off at daycare before work, and pick her up after. Then I come home and have to make dinner, clean, take care of everything… AGH. So I feel stretched SO thin, and I am so exhausted when I get home. I always wonder if it’s even worth it? Our daycare lady spends more time with her than I do. I am sad about that!
Hi Laci, I think moms feel guilty most of the time… Please don’t! You’ve been building your family with love! They will grow up and be proud of you who is working to give them a good life 🙂 I felt the same when my son was younger. Now he is 11 and we’re best friends. I was share with him my work experiences and he’s proud of me as I’m of him.
All the best for you and your beautiful family!
Your hard working and I’m sure you spoil them all you can. I’m a stay at home mom and I couldn’t imagine how hard working and providing for my family could be so props to you! Your a good mom , you just show it in a different way 😉
As moms, we are all doing what we can. And as a SAHM let me tell you, the grass is not always greener!! There are MANY days that I envy working moms!!
Totally relate to this. But then I realize that it’s the kids’ ‘normal’ and I’m the one who knows it could be different. They are happy … and that’s all that matters. Hang in there!
I love the 1 not 10 when it comes to TV. It’s so hard not to have a million shows to watch. Good job for weighing and measuring the amounts of other things to do what you have and need to do. Don’t fall off the ride, you are awesome!
It is great that you are able to find time for yourself too! Thanks for sharing this great post with us at the Merry Monday link party. Hope you’ll join us again next week. Sharing your post on Twitter!
Either way, SAHM or workiing, it’s hard. I’ve done both, so I know that both are equally challenging for different reasons. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
I love how honest you are in this post! Honestly for me I feel like whether I’ve been working or a stay at home mom, it’s ALL stressful. Being home full time with kids leaves me drained at the end of the day more so than when I’m working. It’s good to know that other moms are stressed out out there as well!! Keep up the good work mama.
My daughter is doing this grind now and as the grandma, I get to help out now and again to relieve her stress.