By now even if you have been a blogger for one day you probably realize it’s not a kne person show. We need supportive blog friends and amazing readers.
When I started blogging I had NO idea how huge this part of the world actually was.
I immediately felt overwhelmed and like every idea I had was already covered. But I just kept on cause I knew I would love it !!
For me blogging is my outlet I don’t really stress if it doesn’t bring in money, it’s a hobby that I enjoy.
The tribe I have built for myself and blog is so amazing its hard to believe. I enjoy chatting with them daily and asking tons of ?? And getting REAL feedback.
My tribe didn’t appear out of thin air it took time. And I honestly think that relationships with other bloggers need to happen authentically, so I couldn’t just go wander around on WordPress. For me, it’s more about connecting with the individual blogger.
Tips that worked for me:
– Seek out similar blogs.
– Put yourself out there.
– Check out the people that comment on your post.
– Be authentic no body likes a copy cat not in 5th grade not ever !
– Respond to comments.
– Support your readers.
– Provide a reson to return like real content, giveaways, freebies etc…
The Blog Love Project (my favorite).
Blog Elevated Community.
Beyond Your Bloggers.
Blog Staycation (starts this week amazing !!!).
Bloggers United.
Bloggers Unite.
Social Media Network Group.
The Peony Project.
Together We Blog.
Feel free to add to this list in the comments that will help me to !!
Because it’s the best move I’ve ever made !! But if you don’t also provide your tribe with support it’s pointless.
– More readers.
– Comments that are genuine.
– Joining together for giveaways.
– Having honest feed back.
– Having amazing ideas together like right now I have a thrift store sway and a every Wednesday linky party’s with my tribe.
– Share each other’s content on all social media.
– Love seeing each other reach new goals.
– Right now with a few of my tribe members I’m doing the #SeptemberScopers challenge soooo fun !!
The list goes on for days tall I’m telling you. My bloggy BFF’s are amazing and I honestly feel like I know them and I really do care.
Before I became a blogger I had no idea what “twitter chats” were or even existed. I have met some very awesome bloggers this way that I still follow very closely. Here’s a list of a few that I think are the most beneficial for making relationships.
1. #SITSBligging – Saturdays
7am PT/8am MT/9am CT/10am ET.
2. #blisschat – Thursdays
6pm PT/7pm MT/8pm CT/9pm ET.
3. #ellechat – Thursdays
5pm PT/6pm MT/7pm CT/8pm ET.
4. #Nectarchat – Wednesdays
6pm PT/7pm MT/8pm CT/9pm ET.
5. #createlounge – Wednesdays
5pm PT/6pm MT/7pm CT/8pm ET.
6. #BlogElevated – Tuesdays
7pm PT/8pm MT/9pm CT/10om ET.
**Important** Don’t forget the hashtag. You aren’t part or the party if you don’t use the #tag.
Now GO & Check out a few of MY besties !!!
Happily Ever After Etc.
Five Kids A Dog & A Blog.
Mid Michigan Mom.
I got so lucky with my blog besties !!! Hope y’all do to !!!
Thanks so much for coming by !!! Hope it helps !!
Thanks Laci, for you post and sharing your knowledge, I have been blogging for a couple of years now but it’s always great to get tips from other bloggers.
Being plugged in to a tribe is so important–and we all need the support.
Love this! It’s so true. I haven’t been blogging for very long but I’ve been lucky to find a few amazing people that have helped me grow!
Thank you so much for these tips, I’ll have to check out some of these groups!
You are such a giving person and I really appreciate all of the knowledge that you’re sharing. I am so grateful. Have a wonderful day.
Love this is so agree dear!!!
Not only are bloggers naturally social, I’ve also met so many who are wicked supportive and willing to help out with whatever. I love being a blogger, and even if I never make a dime, I’ve made so many friends. And that’s priceless!
Oh my gosh your blog is so beautiful! And thanks for all those twitter chat ideas!
So do you have your own FB group for your tribe? Or just the people you talk to the most?
You always have the best resources! I just recently found my tribe so we’re still getting everything together but you’re right, it’s such a huge help to have support in the blogging world.
Having a tribe is so important… they really understand the whole blogging thing so you have someone there for the good times and the bad! Who else are you going to turn to with your sixth blogging question of the day?
Love this post—so much useful information! And also tells me that I have so much more to learn 😉
Love this, so much! I have struggled so much between wanting to grow my blog, and realizing how unimportant that is, as long as I love what I’m doing and stay true to myself. Great advice, friend! This blogging community is such an awesome one because of people like you!!
Love these and love the title of this. Thanks for the twitter chat reminders, I needed them! xo
GREAT POST! Very informative! We all need that extra push to get us started and to help propel us forward. Thank you for sharing it all with us! Love it!! Will be sharing in my Houston Latina Bloggers Group!