Monday through Friday in the Carlson house hold is rush rush rush… From fussing with the kids to get up and get dressed to working my 9 to 5. Taking one to dance and trying to let my son play outside as much as he wants to and some how managing to get dinner on the table. Its chaotic and sometimes a but of misery thrown in.
This year I’m determined to do a bit better maybe not super mom but better. You know like get the library book back on time. Pack the snacks for the kids the night before not two minutes before we have to walk out the door.
Sometimes on the weekends I feel antsy like I want to be doing something fun like a hike, mini trip, ridding dirt roads, getting the 4-wheelers out and so on. Well we can still do some of that but I am going to make Sundays the relax at home and get stuff done day and ready for a good week.
So far I have decided on this for our Sundays:
•° Wake up and be lazy for a while.
•° Cartoons for the kiddos.
•° Lay out clothes for everyone at least for Monday & Tuesday.
•° Wash pillow cases and all bedding.
•° I’m a planner junkie so I will sit down and write down all plans in my kikki-k.
•° Play a game or two with my husband or kids.
So far that’s my plan. Instead of being on the go on Sundays I’m going to allow this day to get me ready for a insane week.
What do y’all do to get ready for the week ?? Do you fell like you should be doing something every weekend day? Let me hear what y’all use Sunday’s for.
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I agree with you; Sat. is the sabbath for me; Sunday is creation day or go to a movie with hubby. Gotta recharge for batteries.
I moved my blog http://linorstore.com/february-holidays/
I’m a planner lover too, so I like to make sure I’ve gone over my schedule for the upcoming week and written down all my to-dos and goals. I try to get most of the household chores done on Saturday or early on Sunday so that Sunday evening can be spent relaxing! Something I need to get in the habit of doing is meal planning.
Thanks for joining the #HomeMattersParty – we hope to see you again next week 🙂
These are beautiful reminders. I love the relaxed feel of Sundays. It’s a much needed calm before the storm of the workweek. Thanks for sharing on Something To Talk About!
This sounds like the perfect day. You are so right, the week gets really chaotic sometimes and by the weekend I’m busy cleaning and running errands. But having a designated day to rest and relax would give me something to look forward to. Thanks for the inspiration and for linking this up to our Something to Talk About Link Party. I think it’s going to help a lot of people!