Hey y’all !!! A big topic in the blogging world right now is Media Kit’s. When I 1st started blogging I had no idea what that was and definitely didn’t think I needed or wanted one.
I currently only use my media kit for product reviews. I love new things I’ve never tried and its fun for me. So far I have reviewed beauty products, jewelry, party in a box, candles, and even a awesome dreamcatcher.
What I found that personally works for me:
• Always give them a date that you will have the post up by and don’t let them down.
• I always give my partners tons of social media shares along with my review.
• Just like bloggers time is valuable so are these companies and small shops that partner with us. The collaboration has to benefit both parties.
• I never pitch to anyone to review something if I don’t truly think I would love it and would recommend it.
• Take time and do research and don’t treat the companies all the same and all with a generic letter.
Think of it as your blog resume. Putting time and thought into your media kit is important.
If you want to review products, work with brands or have ads. Your media kit will explain & showcase your blog and save time on back and forth communication.
Few things to remember:
• One page in my opinion is sufficient the companies / people we pitch to are busy and need to take one look & be impressed.
• Always include social media links. That does not mean you always have to include # of followers especially for newer blogs may be best to leave it out. (At least until it’s asked for).
• Always save and send your media kit in a PDF file.
I hope y’all get a lot of use out of this !! Please ask any questions you may have if I can answer them I definitely will !!
Please Click the banner below all you have to-do is click that’s all and it helps me ton’s 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing! This is something that I’ve been trying to get started on and you template will save me a lot of work!!!
You’ve always got great resources for bloggers! Thanks for sharing a template. It makes it feel less overwhelming!
Beautiful, simple and clean template! Visiting from Totally Terrific Tuesday link party 🙂
Thank you for being so kind and sharing this, Laci. It’s something that bloggers should definitely have and it will certainly save us some time in creating. So glad you shared this with Totally Terrific Tues! Have a fantastic rest of the week.
Thank you for putting this together for us to use. I am a relatively new blogger and didn’t know anything about a media kit. This will be great to have.
Good tips!
I love the streamlined look of your template – you’re totally a girl after my own heart! Thanks for sharing what has worked for you! 🙂
This is great post! I only recently got my Media Kit sorted out after putting it off for so long! I had heard of them, but didn’t really know what to include. I have a basic one now, but I’m going to be looking through your template to see if I can improve mine! 😀
Thank you for the printable and advice! I birthed my blog in October so I haven’t felt I needed a media kit yet, but everyone tells me that I should have one no matter what so when I need one, I’m not scrambling to create it. I had no clue where to even begin until now!
This is awesome! I always read about Media Kits and how beneficial they are, but have never really figured out the benefit or how to make one! Thanks (:
So glad I came across this!! Am pinning to check back with later, as I need to make my own kit! Thank you!
Great ideas, thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing this!!! I tried to edit the template but its not working?
Thanks for sharing! These are great ideas.
This is so great! I really need to make an updated media kit!
Thanks for the kickstart with your template. I’ll mix it up to make it my own but you’ve saved me a ton of work.
Great ideas for sure! Thanks for sharing! I need to get on my media kit stat! I’ve been waiting for my stats to keep going up to do it…but I think now is the time!
Thanks for sharing! I haven’t tried making a media kit yet but I love your template!
Jeans and a Teacup
This great, I am working on my media kit so this was very helpful!
Great post and thanks for sharing the template. I’ll have to get onto it!
Thank you for this valuable information! I needed it!!
What a fantastic help this is! I can’t wait to implement this on my site!
Thanks for this! I really need to make a new media kit and this is a great inspiration!
This is a great template – a media kit has been on my TO DO list for awhile. Is this an editable doc? So far I have not been able to enter my own info. Glad I found this on the Mom Blog Party!
hi i dropped by from mom blogs party week 13. thanks for posting this i’ve been searching for exactly this!!
I need to work my media kit
thanks for linking at the Best of the Blogosphere
This is pretty much perfect! Thank you for being so kind as to share!
Thanks so much for sharing these tips and the media kit….I need to get on this big time!
Hey I don’t think this doc is set to let anyone edit it. It’s on read only 🙁 is there any way to change that?
Hey i just updated it let me know if that helped 🙂 Thanks so much for coming by.
YAY It works!!!!! thank you
Thanks for sharing! I need this 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing this! I haven’t made a media kit yet (my site is still very new) but I know I will need to have one by next year at the latest. I will difinitely be referencing this when I make man!
I just learned about media kits the other day. I guess its about time I create one for my blog.
Thanks for sharing! I think I will need one soon! Blessings
Tayrina fromTGAWrites
So easy to use. These are awesome. Thanks for linking up on the Best of the Blogosphere Linky party!
Wow thanks so much for sharing, I do not have a media kit made yet so this is perfect timing! Thank you for joining the Link-It To Me Link Party, I hope you will party with us again next week!
Thanks for the template! 🙂
Thanks so much – I am definitely going to download this. And I love the tag line of your blog – I’m a southern girl, too. 😉
Interesting! Thanks for the TBT post!
Mandie from YellowDogPinkPig
Very informative! I’ve been wanting to put one together, and I have bits and pieces of things. I really appreciate the resource and explanation of why a media kit is valuable. OAN: I love your blog theme. 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by and your awesome kind words !!
Thank you for sharing! I am just getting my blog going and will definitely be looking into this in the future.