I made a free printable Box Tops™ for Education Jar for you to stick on your fridge to help you remember to clip and collect @Box Tops™ for Education. After printing you can slide it inside an 8 1/2 x 11 clear sheet protector and then use tape or magnets to stick it on the door of your fridge. It’s an easy way to keep Box Tops™ collection a priority in your home! My boxtop game just got so much stronger with #Costcoboxtops
It’s good to know how your school is using the @Box Tops™ for Education labels to fund what they need. Our elementary school uses the Box Tops™ money to buy new library books. Do you know what your school is using their @Box Tops™ money for? Every school is different because they receive the @Box Tops™ money as cash and can choose how to best spend it. Normally the PTO is in charge of this and they choose how to spend. I’m currently the PTO president at my daughter’s school! And it’s mind blowing how much box tops helped with buying major items!
But Costco just upped the game for a huge chance to help out even more! By purchasing specially marked General Mills products with 8 boxtops @Costco – all while entering to win and additional 100 eBoxTops with the @Costco Golden Box Tops Challenge
Click to learn how to enter, # of prizes & what prize is can all be found here
Click to see the participating products
What do you think? What’s your favorite way to collect @boxtops? Let the kids help! And don’t miss out on the good deal @Costco right now for lots of extras!
** This post was brought to you by Costco & Acorn all thoughts and ideas are always my own.
Hey, Laci! My oldest is not in school yet but I’m homeschooling her for preschool. I wonder if we can collect box tops anyways. I can see where this resource can be great for busy parents!
Good ideas! When my kids were in school, I never really had a good system like this to collect the box tops. I’m glad they are still doing this program for schools!
This is something I have done for years now and I don’t even have kids in school anymore. Like to help out
Ah!!! I had no idea Costco had boxtops (but I probably should have). Great idea on how to store those box tops too!
This is great! Thank you for sharing!
This is great! We’re collecting Box Tops too!
I don’t have kids or a school associated with said kids. Is there a way to still collect box tops and donate to a local school?
Yes absolutely and the administration and PTO would love you for any local school take them by the front office it helps so much !
I’m so glad they’re still doing these Box Tops. Goes for such a good cause!!