When i got pregnant with little human #2 we were very excited me and my husband had only been married about a year when i got pregnant so good timing in my eyes if you consider any time “good timing”.
We had a little girl named Ca’Rin already so of course naturally my husband wanted a boy and claimed it from the time 2 lines showed on the test vs. The 1 line. In the back of my mind i wanted another girl i was familiar with that and it wouldn’t be such a huge change which i hate by the way.
So sure enough the day i went to my gender appointment the sonogram proved their was no way it was a girl. My husband was over the moon !! It took me way longer to adjust my whole family is girls and i didnt grow up with a brother i was scared to death !!!
So he is now 1 1/2 & wow boys will be boys ever heard that saying ? Well its true i am now holding on white knuckled and simply keeping him alive which at this moment is only fitting.
So please let me share with you my journey this far in:
Boys need to have freedom to wrestle and climb, to roar and grunt and karate chop the house plants in my case very fraglie succulant collection.
They will climb, jump and attack everything in sight. I dont just mean the couch to floor jump. Im taking bathroom counter off in to the bath tub jump. Not to mention i didnt take my eyes off him and he still manages to get on top of everything !!
Right now i sit down i shut up and try not to kill my little wild indian. Yes i have to paint walls and doctor boo boo’s and treat stains. But i do not want to smother his spirt. Yes i make him mind manners etc…
All boys Do NOT have ADD they have energy and need a generous amount of space and activites to get that out.
So right now im living on two speeds fast and faster.
Exhausting? Yes. Normal & Healthly? Absolutely. But i know i was ment to have a boy !!
So sit back and enjoy the roller coaster while you can soon i will be at the ball fields and have PEE everywhere from what i understand boys never learn how to aim !! They possibly even pee on their own heads.
Please share with me what i need to learn and know… in my coming boy years i know im in for a interesting treat.
Anonymous says
Tracey @ mummyshire says
Oh I have a boy and a girl too and they are so very different animals!! My experience for boys is Lots of outdoor space, lots of noise, lots of messy play we love long outside in the rain(!!) And lots and lots and lots of cuddles!! That’s what little boys are made of! Xx